[Prev| Next| Index] jwash@tico.com, Raleigh, NC, USA My groovy essay Warning! This document may contain words, thoughts, imagery or pictures that you might find offensive. If you don't want to be offended, don't read any further. Feel free to Email me to discuss things that I say here, but if you email me and tell me that something I've said has offended you I'm going to email you back and remind you that you should have read this warning. Then I'm going to tell you to get a life. By John Wash, jwash@tico.com. I'm John Wash. I'm married to (gasp!) my wife, have two litle dogs (Kyrie and Foxtrot) and live in Raleigh NC. By day I'm a mild-mannered "Computer Scientist" (that's Pompous for "programmer") for Research Triangle Institute. By night I'm a bagpiper and organizer of the Electronic Freedom March on Washington. This CDA thing has me up in arms. It's truly amazing that a group of people can pass laws without having the first clue about the results the laws could have? Freedom to me is the natural right to be yourself and do the things you want to do. I simply cannot understand why other people feel that it is necessary to decide what is best for you. It's pretty pretentious for people living hundreds of miles away from you, and certainly never having met you, to assume that they know better than you the direction your life should take. I want no part in that. I'm young but I'm an adult. I've been an adult for several years. I've made childish mistakes and adult mistakes, and have learned from every one of them. If I don't make mistakes, I don't learn. And, as long as I don't hurt you, why can't I go on making mistakes and learning from them? Don't give me the crap line about nudie pictures or dirty words hurting you. They may offend you, but heck, lots of things offend me. Loud people offend me. Stupid arrogant people offend me. Proselytizing religious people offend me. The difference between me and the people who have a snake in their pants about making the world safe for decency is simple: I don't pursue campaigns to ban things that offend me. Because no matter how hard I try to stamp it out, there will always be loud, stupid self-righteous jerks, and nothing I can do will make them go away. Sure, in a perfect world we'd all be nice to each other and nobody would ever get offended. It's not a perfect world, though, is it? Nope, but with all its problems, the world is a great place to live, and I'm proud to be a part of it. I enjoy the good parts and try to ignore the bad parts (at least the ones that don't directly affect me), so I stay pretty happy most of the time. What Is Democracy? Webster's has this to say about democracy: de.moc.ra.cy \di-'ma:k-r*-se-\ n [MF democratie, fr. LL democratia, fr. Gk de-mokratia, fr.] de-mos + -kratia -cracy 1a: government by the people; esp : rule of the majority 1b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usu. involving periodically held free elections 2: a political unit that has a democratic government cap 3: the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S. 4: the common people esp. when constituting the source of political authority 5: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges To me democracy is exactly that: a government by the people. We, the people, are our government. We're getting pretty far away from the original intent of the United States: except for the native Americans, we're mostly people who came here to get away from government oppression, or who fought our way out of oppression. At a time when many of the oppressive governments of the world are headed full-speed-ahead towards democracy I find it pretty ironic that our democracy is moving full-speed ahead towards oppression. This document is under construction. Please keep checking for the latest updates. If you're interested, that is..... John